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Friday, June 1, 2007
Microsoft's Coffee Table
MS does not seem to give up. No, I'm not talking about giving up copying other's ideas. This time, for a change, it might be in the competition with the right spirit.

After struggling to compete with the iPod, Zune, even with a bunch of additional features (basically crap) could not survive and had to commit suicide. Vista's release was delayed a million and one times. Why? Because the nincompoops sitting in the Redmond, WA R&D (Rip and Decode) center had a hard time hacking Mac OS X Tiger. Well... let us pay our condolences to "I so wanna be an iPod" Zune and "I really suck! allow or cancel" Vista and move on.

Now desperate to do something "new" (this term itself is new to Microsoft), the company created the new Coffee Table. Whola! Invention of the millennium. But on a more serious note, this actually looks pretty interesting. Check out

It may seem far-fetched and not really practical right now. But somehow I found it impressive. It is not really useless. It is not even way into the future. As a matter of fact, it is going to be commercially deployed in the "near" future (at least according to them).

I'm not at all a Microsoft guy. If people who know me hear the word 'Microsoft' come out of my mouth, they more or less accurately predict that the rest to follow is nothing but bashing. My laptop is Mac. I had a desktop with Windows but crashed recently and does not even boot now (not a surprise) and I have no intentions of putting back Windows on it whatsoever. But let me tell you, I’m a genuine admirer of talent. It always proves difficult for me to put my ego in front of true appreciation for innovation and Microsoft is no exception.

One practical advantage of this coffee table - When the underlying Windows Vista crashes, at least you can use it for your coffee while waiting for it to reboot :-)

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posted by bachi 10:15  
  • At 08 June, 2007 23:24, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Every company has its ups and downs if indeed MS was so bad then why would so many still be using it...?

    I dont think i am quite impressed with the coffee table but Ipod is only popular because of its cool factor and not because of its technical feasures or ease of use.

  • At 10 June, 2007 11:02, Blogger bachi said…

    Good marketing can sell a crappy product but even a great product can not be sold if marketing sucks. MS and Apple are the best examples for this.

    MS is a marketing genius. That's why Windows sells though it is pathetic. Apple is a legend in innovation. That's why Jobs is the most popular CEO.

    You are absolutely right regarding iPod. Surprisingly Apple did a marketing wonder this time. Of course you can not deny that iPod is indeed a very attractive piece of $^@!

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