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Thursday, January 22, 2009
And The Great Ronald Reagan
For about a month (sometime during Nov/Dec last year), I was constantly observing the Google Talk status message of a friend of mine. It said "xyz - and the great ronald reagan". This "xyz" kept changing every day and was nothing to do with politics. He is a very good friend of mine. We went to Rutgers together and the last time we met was more than 2 years ago. While I remained in the NY area, he started to migrate towards the mid-west. A migration from Blue to Red. This became more and more evident as he was pretty smart when he was here but his brain cells (not all. Only the rational ones) seemed to start dying gradually as he moved more and more inland, away from the coast. No wonder he was turning red. To be honest with you, this new development in him did not really concern me as much as the next one did.

Just before the swearing-in ceremony of the new president Barack Obama, my friend had "one more day and all good is going to end" as his status message. Wait a minute... "all good?" excuse me but what is "all" good that one can imagine, even in the wildest of ones dreams, in the recent past? The record home foreclosures? The collapse of Wall St? The sky high gas prices till recently? Is it all the good the last president uh, um... who the hell was the president before Barack? I knew my friend was a little biased based on "color" but, oh well, let me not go there. Moreover, as far as I can remember, I was taught that "white" was a color. Hope it still is and if it still is, who are you in favor of, if you are against colored people? Boy, see how many questions I have. I'm really ignorant. Coming back to the point, I was very curious to know if my friend's behavior was "Oklahoma Effect" (he lived in OK* for a couple of years) or some conservative girl friend he might have found. Well... will come to know of it when I talk to him the next time. By the way, I don't really have anything against conservatives in general. Its just the 'religious' type that I don't like. This is nothing to do with religion in personal life, its none of my business but trying to influence the state is what throws me off.

*I saw a lot of stuff that said "We are OK, you are not" when I visited Tulsa, Oklahoma. Sort of punch line for them I guess. Well... get this guys. You are just OK, everyone else is awesome!

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posted by bachi 22:46  
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Name: bachi
Home: Huntington, New York, United States
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#3, Scissors And The Old Woman
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4000 Mile Drive (Part II) - The Journey Begins
4000 Mile Drive (Part I) - How It All Started

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