A dialog between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.
5 years ago: Girl - Hey... wanna go to this new movie? I heard it is full of crap Guy - Why not. Sounds cool!
Today: Girl - Al Gore is gonna talk about global warming. Wanna watch him on TV with me? Guy - Absolutely!
I'm not sure how much this global warming is heating up the earth's atmosphere but it is sure enough barbecuing everyone's brain. While people fight, politicians argue and all of us through a million tons of shit into the air everyday, let us add some flavor to it here.
Based on my earlier blog "We don't, but birds do!" our good friend anonymous suggested he prefers solar panels to windmills. So let us see how this Sun dude is going to be of any help to us.
Here is a list of ways in which we can use Sun's energy
1. We can throw in some solar panels onto the laptops. Say, the top cover and the keyboard. This way it charges itself whether it is open or closed. 2. Make solar-cell skins for cellphones 3. solar panel rooftops (I think people are already working on this)
Do you have anything to add? Don't worry about practicality. Many great ideas are thought to be impractical initially because people lack that "vision" ;-)Labels: atmosphere, fossil fuel, global warming, green house gases, pollution, solar, solar cells, solar energy, windmills |
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