Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Don't scratch my car
There is that car in the fourth row of the parking lot, parked at an angle hogging up two parking spots. Here is that beamer guy who pulled his car right on to the line separating two adjacent parking spots so that no one else is going to park in them. If you observe, these "don't scratch my car" dudes are trying to create a buffer zone around their cars. Yeah right! Till recently they were driving this 200 year old Toyota that never got a scratch in all these years though there were like 5 cars surrounding them in every parking lot. But now, all of a sudden, they got the new beamer that needs a ten acre parking spot to protect itself. Of course, it is an irresistible thing for everyone now. People trying to park next to his baby would bump into it left, right and center. So he has to make sure no one parks next to him. Hhhmmm... he is trying to shoo away the bad boys.
You know what. By doing this, these idiots don't get the fact that they are inviting trouble. I'm sure there will be someone out there who can't resist this brand new car sitting all alone in the parking lot away from all its buddies. Who knows what surprise they want to give the loving owner?Labels: key the car, new car, parking lot, parking spot, scratch the car, weird parking |
posted by bachi

The light that never turns green
From my home to my workplace there are totally 33 traffic lights of which 30 are influential. I mean, among the other three, one is a flashing red, one is flashing yellow and the third one is always green.
Now there is this one light for a right turn that never, absolutely never was green on my approach. I always have to wait there till the damn thing gives way. Keeping in mind the traffic pattern, the timing and all the other crap in the world, you would say the probability is very high that this light is red when I'm there during my office hours. Right? I'm not that big a dumbass. I work for a tech company and there are no "fixed" working hours for most of them. Even if there exist such a thing, they would be insanely insane. I mean to say that I go to work any time between 6:30 in the morning to noon. That is one heck of a sample set to run into this stupid light at least once when it is green. But no. I have been taking this route for the last 8 months. Assuming I go to work 5.5 days a week on average, the total would be approximately 176 days. So... in 176 days, not even once was I lucky to pass this light without stopping. Hey lord almighty where the hell did the law of averages go. I'm so frustrated now that may be one day I will just jump the freaking thing.Labels: always green, approaching, flashing red, flashing yellow, green, law of averages, red, tech company, traffic light, working hours |
posted by bachi

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Guilt Factor 93.9
"If you listen to BBC every morning from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM then you might think a $100 pledge is the right amount. Please call us or visit our website for your contribution".
If you live in and around Manhattan, do you listen to WNYC? This is a "news and talk all day, classical music all night" radio station by National Public Radio (NPR). It is broadcast on FM 93.9 and I love it. Even if I suddenly, for no good reason on earth, develop Alzheimer's, I will not forget this radio station. OK! enough of how much I like it; let me get to the point.
This radio station totally depends on public contribution and other sponsorships for survival. They have, I think, four pledge drives a year where they request for contributions. I started listening to this a couple of years ago and ignored the first marathon persuasion. I thought they were desperately begging to avoid sleeping on the benches in Central Park and freeze their balls in winter. It sounded like the studio would close down and they would all end up in the Subway stations earning a buck or two by selling used underwear.
When it was time for the second such drive, I knew what they were talking about. By then I was so addicted to WNYC that I could not drive to work without my radio tuned to NPR just like some people cannot poo poo without a cup of coffee in the morning. Every time they requested for a pledge my guilt was multilpying by a factor of 93.9. Two days into the drive and I succumbed. As soon as I went to work, I logged on to WNYC website and pledged my part. Now I pledge every year and listen to the station as much as I want without an ounce of guilt.
Note: Some information in the above content may not be 100% accurateLabels: classical music, contribution, fm 93.9, fund raising, fundraising, guilt, national public radio, New York, news, non-profit, npr, pledge, radio station, talk shows, wnyc |
posted by bachi

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Attraction to Indian Food
There are so many different cuisines and people with different tastes. Among all of them I observed that Indian cuisine is not that popular (among Americans). Most of them complain about the spiciness of the food.
"Spice" is one thing that is almost always misinterpreted when it comes to Indian food. The only thing that strikes to mind is the "hot chilly spice". That is not completely true though. Yes! It is generally a little hot than other cuisines but there are hundreds of Indian spices that are not hot but have a unique flavor. This is the real Indian spice. In any case that is not the point of this blog.
Last weekend I went sailing on a colleague's boat and we ended up going to Fire Island. This is a thin strip of "kick ass" island south of Long Island, NY in the Atlantic. We went into a bar to play some pool and darts and some people to get a drink. Here I ran into this woman who surprised me with her knowledge of Indian food. I know a lot of people who like Indian food, especially Tandoori Chicken and Chicken Tikka Masala. But this was the first time I saw a New Yorker who not only knew a lot other Indian dishes but also knew how to cook them. She said she frequented Indian grocery stores to get various spices and other raw materials and that she cooks almost all kinds of Indian food. This, she said, she had been doing for 25 years now. That definitely amazed me.Labels: 31 inch boat, atlantic ocean, chicken tikka masala, fire island, indian cuisine, indian food, long island, new yorker, sailing, spices, spicy food, tandoori chicken |
posted by bachi

Saturday, October 13, 2007
posted by bachi

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